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Thread: August Knights 10th Anniversary

  1. #1
    August Knights
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    August Knights 10th Anniversary

    I forgot to mention it back in February, but the August Knights organization was founded on February 20, 1998. We have had a lot of good times in the ten years since then, and some of us (well, just Abaddon and myself) can still remember the first ones. In fact, I remember the very first time I encountered Abaddon in I'76 (I think--he may have to correct me). Moon and I were tearing around that map with the big bowl in the middle (he in the VW buggy type thing and I in the green Chevy Nova clone), and I believe Ab came in driving his blue and white Corvette look-alike. He became only our fourth member (just after abnormaL and just before Widowmaker, if memory serves). If anyone else has memories to share about their first AK-related experience, please do!

    Anyway, Happy Belated 10th Anniversary, AK!

  2. #2
    Senior Knight [AK]Nuts's Avatar
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    I jumped into BF:1942 many years ago and started playing on AK's server mainly due to the low ping. Kidd, Government Cheese and Clay were all playing about the same time and Ab had to explain what a clan was (no... there are no white pointy hats) to me and then I submitted my application. Palooka has been collected dues out of my checking account every month for the past 5 years and still hasn't sent me my free t-shirt.

  3. #3
    August Knights
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    [AK]Hylander's Avatar
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    Happy Anniversary AK!

    I guess this is going to be a "how I became AK thread".

    I've known Squidly since about 1995 or so through the Seattle Seahawks Usenet newsgroup. And besides the fact we only live less than 2 hours away from each other - have actually never met. Squid invited me to join AK when they were playing Tribes 2 - the rest is history.

    So if you needed another reason to dislike Squidly, now you have one!
    "The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries." - Winston Churchill

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  4. #4
    August Knights
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    "This place is like someone's memory of a town, and the memory is fading. "
    [AK]Squidly's Avatar
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    I joined in May of 2001 during the whole Tribes 2 thing. What a great game that was. Talk about bang for your buck.

    Seems like a lot more than 7 years. Tribes, 1942 and all the permutations, and then World of Warcraft. And the August Knights have soldiered through it all. Paging back to the beginning of our forums is like travelling in a time machine.

  5. #5
    Who is Nuts and Abbadon? [AK]StitchJones's Avatar
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    Rocks, Choozoo, Gunny and myself all work together and we go to know Bribo (poor Bribo). Bribo told us about the AK group and it was right when BF:1942 was released. We were all quickly mixed into the big group playing BF nightly and then getting into competition play. How can we ever forget Zoro and his flying abilities. *bows in honor* We quickly went from n00b to AK? to AK status. There are so many great memories and stories that we can all share. I'd like to share these two quick stories.

    I never laughed so hard in my life when Planetside came out and I was the only person in the game to flip the tank over on the bridge, sitting perfectly still mind you. Rocks still to this day is still in befuddlement over it.

    Getting called off the porch by Gunny and BamBam for having a collection of screenshots from Medal of Honor Allied Assault. I was dumb enough to have a skin hack of Grand Master Flash and show screenshots of it...... LOL Adidas Red is sooo the in color!

  6. #6

    August Knights
    The old Man in the War [AK]Rocks's Avatar

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    I never laughed so hard in my life when Planetside came out and I was the only person in the game to flip the tank over on the bridge
    OMG , I laughing so hard I have tears again.... Is planetside still running, maybe a reunion....

  7. #7
    Short Fuse [AK]Gunny Highway's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by [AK]StitchJones View Post
    I never laughed so hard in my life when Planetside came out and I was the only person in the game to flip the tank over on the bridge, sitting perfectly still mind you.
    And so the quote was born "If you have to parachute out of a tank your probably driving it wrong"

    Who can forget in the battlefield 1942 days and getting "Hardknocked", also known as an RPG to the face.
    Last edited by [AK]Gunny Highway; 03-12-2008 at 05:15 AM.

    August Knights Ventrilo status
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  8. #8
    August Knights [AK]Beaker's Avatar
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    As a non-old timer I'll post how I came to be here

    It started with Abaddon. He and his lovely wife came to my house one Christmas and introduced Clay to the AK server of Battlefield DC. I then spent more time than I care to think about down in the basement listening to yall over vent trying to get warm and survive the winter.
    Then Abaddon sent WOW crack to Clay for a birthday. (See a theme here I blame AB!) It had a trial membership and so it began!

    Since then I have had interesting conversations with most of you met quite a few in person and had many online laughs.

    And my nails have never looked better

  9. #9
    Accept no substitutes. [AK]Bribo's Avatar
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    As many of you know Squidly and I have been friends since college. He told me about Tribes 2 and a great bunch of guys he was playing with. I joined up and have been here ever since.

    Happy Anniversary everyone.

    If you were a zombie and I had to kill you, I'd feel sad.

  10. #10
    Overpowered to the core! [AK]Bojan's Avatar
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    Well well happy anniversary August Knights

    It has been a pleasure to play with and eventualy become apart of this gaming orginization.

    I first met Ak in Molten core during the later part of 2005, during this time I took a liking to AK, mostly due to Squid's sly remarks, and Bribo bluntly stating on vent that we sucked after every wipe.

    I soon worked with AK in ZG where I met Cruiser during one of his drunken escepades ruffling many feathers.

    Somwhere somehow during this time the decision was made to disband my guild and join AK.

    I was welcomed with open arms and have enjoyed my time with ever since.

    My most memorable moments would probably have to be old school PVP with Kidd when I was still playing my gimped druid rushing the lumber mill and clearing out the horde.

    Lets see second most memorable moment was Morosa jumping in my channel while myself, Kidd, and a few others were PVPing and started yelling..."Theres GIRLS in the other channel and they sound HAWT!"

    Then everyone promptly leaving the PVP channel to gawk at femenin voices.

    Third most memorable moment would have to be a vent conversation with Kidd and Swae about 2:00AM about pennies. Then making the perdicition that Swae and Kidd would hook up...which at the time I was laughed at for

    And well thats probably enough for now

  11. #11
    August Knights
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    I signed on at the encouragement of Abaddon - a good friend of mine from college days. I will admit, I was reserved at first - my experiences with on-line gaming personalities was mostly Counter-Strike randoms. Clans gave me a healthy suspicion. Besides, I'm a single play die hard, what do I need a clan for?

    Then I started playing on the AK BF42: DC server and have to say, AK really impressed me! After that I had to apply to be a part of this group of guys! That was 5 years ago. Palooka or Ab in the frogfoot, Gunny in tank, it was a Hell of a group of guys. Abaddon would happily fly the troop transport for hours, not getting a single kill was OK by him.

    Running with Kidd and Nuts, who showed up at about the same time I did, made it fantastic. Zapping Kidd several times in a row with the assault rifle, while he just would not give up on his beloved SAW was the best! He'd get sooo mad, it just made it glorious. You'd get the drop on him every time, because you could take a knee and zap him before he could go prone and get you (but heaven help you if he does make it to prone alive). Kidd had the most interesting on-line experiences too. There was once this girl named Sarah, who was a ... complex creature. It took Palooka's clear leadership and 24 point font posting with just 4 words in the forums to clear up some confusion there. I think it was around here that I decided I was going to like Palooka.

    And Nuts... OMG, there's not enough I can say about my fellow Squire Nuts. The man should get a Shilka IRL. I have never met such a combination of dry humor and sharp wit in a man before - he can be talking about something serious as a heart attack and you will be laughing your ass off, hoping he's really joking, but not quite sure.

    So I got squired in the batch of three that was Clay, Nuts, Kidd - and have met both and now consider both RL friends. Who would think that such could come from video gaming - I'm a richer man for it. (Sorry guys, still no idea what happened to your wallets).

    Learning from the master the skill of RPG to the face from HardKnock was awesome. Now FiGHT*CluB, he was DAMN good at this game too. His specialty was being a sniper. Owning him on the MLSS rocket launcher one night was an evil pleasure. The next day he used his best intimidating voice in vent to try and make me teach him how to do it. It worked too man. That dude.. he scares the Hell out of me

    And Cruiser, yes Cruiser, was one of my favorite BF42: DC gaming buds. That guy with the southern drawal. Beaker would sit in the room just to hear him on vent so she could feel like she was back in the south again.

    Around this time this wild cat named Camelwalk420 showed up. I was like wooaah, 420, I don't know about this.. How wrong I was! Camelwalk is a great guy! (I don't know what's better - "Hey guys, it's my Daughter's first birthday, but I'm going to tank MC, let's go", or "Guys I feel really bad right now. I ran into a cactus today and I think I need to go to the Hospital" followed shortly by Choos "How's the Cactus?" As the days progressed and we got to hear stories of the wife having to pull needles out of his ass with pliers, omg, I had tears. Camel is one of the greatest guys ever and I've even vacationed with him! I felt bad about the cactus quip though, so while he was recovering from his injuries I sent him a plant set that he could set out and grow in the windowsill.

    Then this guy showed up on the server that was just amazing. I swear to God I was convinced he cheated. Every time PunkBuster updated I was just waiting for it to catch him. Always a respectful player and pretty nice guy actually. But MAN! He'd rack up like 42 kills for every death in a Helicopter. and that's how I met what is today [AK]Katana's Blade - LOL!

    When BF42: DC wained I was sad - and still am a little. Nothings ever been quite as good since then for pure FPS fun. You could turn it on and play for 30 minutes, or for 6 hrs, and have just as much fun with it for a year as you did the first 2 weeks.

    Then I moved into WoW, and I suppose as you all know, the rest is better known history. One thing I've really enjoyed about WoW was finally getting to meet some of the [AK] who had already cycled out of 1942 as I was cycling in. I had no idea who Choozoo was, until one night he and 3 other awesome AK spent several hours counterganking some folks who were beating up on lowbies Garand and Pharmacea. Eventually I went from noob Johnny come Lately to running the guild for a couple of years. Eep! How did that happen?? I've met so many great folks through WoW there's too many to name.

    Now I'm a little more of free player again - I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings - I think AK will be around for a long time and it's been a Hell of a ride.
    [insert signature text here]

  12. #12
    "I sharded Thunderfury!" [AK]Camelwalk's Avatar
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    TBH AK had a big part in one of my life biggest struggles. I was fresh out of rehab, from a small drug problem, had no friends and just got back to vegas. I picked up BF 1942 and somehow on my birthday found AK sever and enjoyed not playing with asshats. I remember kidd, hardnok, and crusier and I was like these guys are awesome players. Well, all my time was spent playing with them when I wasnt working and kept me out of much trouble im sure. I have said this before without AK im sure I wouldnt be where I am today.

    Oh the whole catcus thing, that was one of the worst pains I have ever had. GLAD YOULL STILL GET A KICK OUT OF THAT!

    Happy Anniversy AK.......glad to be a part~

  13. #13

    August Knights
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    Yup, I still remember I'76 very well ... I think I'76, Tribes 2 and Bf1942 are my favorite games ever. It's been a great 10 years, and a pleasure gaming with all of you.

    It would be nice if something came along outside of WoW. Quake Wars just did not cut it. I want DC back, with my Frogfoot and HALO drops out of the transport. Oh, and that little suicidal German rocketplane from BF1942. That thing was a hoot! I seem to recall it was the last thing Kidd saw in a number of matches. :-)
    Last edited by [AK]Abaddon; 03-12-2008 at 02:36 AM.

  14. #14
    Who is Nuts and Abbadon? [AK]StitchJones's Avatar
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    "Who is Nuts and Abaddon?"

  15. #15
    August Knights
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    Quote Originally Posted by [AK]Camelwalk View Post
    Oh the whole catcus thing, that was one of the worst pains I have ever had. GLAD YOULL STILL GET A KICK OUT OF THAT!
    Aw! I hope you know Camel that at the time everyone really was concerned and wanted to make sure you were going to be OK! Once that was established.. well, you try to keep a straight face when someone in vent is talking about having to have his wife pull needles out of his ....

    [insert signature text here]

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