Hey ya'll,

Let me start off by saying I'm computer illiterate. I don't know alot beyond FAST and POWERFUL mean good. So work with me here.

I'm headin off to college soon and it has come to my attention that our college doesn't recommend taking your PC with you since they are "not needed" and "often stolen." The college director said, "Get a laptop, don't let it out of your sight." So I'm gonna take there advice and leave the PC at home.

Another issue is the parents. They're helping me pay for some of it, so I can't really milk them for some three-grand mega laptop. Right now my max is lookin at about $1500 with school discount of $100 and with tax free weekend coming up this weekend! That and the padre refuses to buy a "gaming stupid box." (He's a little old school -- Anti-technology. The man can hardly work our TV let alone any computer.)

This is causing a major problem though, since I am limited on cash for a laptop. Right now, my only real option is a Macbook. (Black one -- little faster than its white brothers)

(You need to follow some of the links and stuff to see other specs.)

I have seen a Youtube video of WoW with the BC running on a Macbook on low/medium settings.

If you have any reccomendations on what I should do that would be awesome. I am also looking into buying an external hard drive and a sweet wireless mouse. I was also curious if there was like an external hookup that gave you more speed, power, etc. Like an eternal graphics card hook-up or something. lol. I highly doubt it but hey. Just thought I'd ask.

All help would be appreciated. I still would love to play with ya'll, but school does come first.

Peace n' Love,