This Shrillary in Bosnia thing is getting funnier by the minute. For those who have not visited YouTube today, see this:

Then watch the videos here (the second one is priceless):

Even Chelsea is propagating the lie. Like mother (and father), like daughter!

Nice to see CBS bashing Clinton while giving Obama a pass on the Rev. Wright fiasco. I guess we know whose side they're on.


Obama or Hillary should have absolutely no chance, but they're running against McCain. We Republicans are nominating as the leader of our party a man who not only came a hair's breadth of becoming John F'ing Kerry's runningmate, but who seriously considered switching parties. Should he bungle this election--the biggest gimme since Bush vs. Dukakis--we'll get what we deserve. When it's one of the most liberal Senate Republicans versus the most liberal Senate Democrat (or Hillary, should she, by some miracle, receive the nomination), conservatives lose. We lost when Romney bowed out. The only reason I have any interest in this election at all is judicial appointments; we can't afford Obama's SCOTUS appointments, which would set conservatism back for decades. The stakes are high, and if conservatives and evangelicals stay home in protest, they'll have no right to complain when Obama enacts his "progressive" (read: socialist) programs and stacks the SCOTUS with judges who appeal to foreign law or render postmodernist or New Historicist or deconstructionist (or whatever critical theory is currently in fashion) reinterpretations of the Constitution. They'll just have to stand in line at the dentist like the rest of us--only without protest.