Availabilty for Raids: Any day
Past guilds, and why you left each: Demise of Sanity-fell apart, Magus- the guild master was a little to harsh when it came to the use of language
Past Raid Experience: Karazhan full clear, thats about it.
Interest: I'm collecting gear for tanking but i prefere to DPS if it can be helped.
How long have you been playing? (/played) 55 days 37 minutes

Tell us about your raiding main:

Character Name: Wereminge
Level: 70
Raid Spec: Prot/Fury
Link to the WOW Armory:http:
Attunements: 2.4 FTW
Alts if any: Marcoramius 70 BM hunter
Any notable/exciting craftables that you can make.

Why do you want to join the August Knights?
Talked with some of your guildies and they seemed pleasant, your SSC capable and you sound like u enjoy backing up your guildies.