Star Trek Thoughts:
I only watched about a half of it due to our match. I have
it taped, so I'll watch the rest tonite.

* I found the concept intriguing - the fact that a lot
of the technology (transporters, etc) are unproven
and much of the universe is still unknown offers much
fertile ground for future episodes.
* I wasn't as annoyed by Count Bakula as I thought I'd be.
I thought he did a servicable job, given the fact his face
is about as type cast as can be.
* I thought that T'Pol looked like Halle Berry..
* Interesting that the Vulcans show flashes of emotion.
Seems they are still struggling to stifle their emotions.
* The doctor dude's wild morphed smile was eerie.
* I can never get too much multi-colored long tongued alien
strip tease.
* The rest of the crew seems likeable enough.