I'm starting yet another gaming thread, forgive me. This one I'll try to list games which have come out "recently", which I (and others replying) consider must owns on any given platform.

I'll start with PSP FF7: Crisis Core, many feared it would not do a good job (look at Dirge), but after playing about 20 hours of it. I must say, it is very much worth a PSP buy (especially considering the PSP also offers a remake of FF Tactics PS1 version, and VALKYRIE PROFILE).

If you missed it on the PS2, Persona 3 is a dark, lengthy jrpg. It can seem a little tedious at times, but it has a fun fusing system.

I haven't played it, but everyone tells me Rainbow Six Vegas 2 on the 360 is exceptional. Take that with a grain of salt, since I cannot personally testify to it's greatness.

On a side note, a game to avoid, Viking. I have had customers try to return it the next day because "it sucked".