With my mother-in-law in town, I've been able to sneak away to see a few movies as of late:

WANTED: Violent, bloody and not the worst movie made. 6/10

HULK: The reason Iron Man worked so well was because it was fun. The Hulk is just depressing. Banner can't be around anyone, he's poor, he's lonely, he's heartbroken. Where's the excitement there? 4/10

INDY JONES: I tried to not have expectations and I understand that the feeling I got when watching the original so many years ago wouldn't be there; I'm older and have different feelings. That being said the movie was weak. 5/10

Coming Soon:

BATMAN: Rumored to be the best ever. Keven Smith says it's the Godfather II of comic book movies. I have high hopes.

DEATH RACE: I'm sorry, but without cars running over senior citizens this is just a lame remake.

EAGLE EYE: A bit 'Enemy of the State' but with more technology and more explosion. Maybe I'll pay to see this one.

MUMMY 3: I'll wait for the Pirate Bay to deliver this one to me. When Brendan Fraiser gets top billing over Jet Li and Michelle Yeoh I'll pass.

Ong Bak 2: God knows that it won't hit US Theaters but Tony Jaa kicks ass and, imo, is the new Jet Li (pulpy action flicks highlighting his skills and not the script)

HANCOCK: Script hell for years and so many hands in the pot that the plot is a mess + coupled with handicam jerky video + trailers showing everything = I'll pass.

and of course:

WATCHMEN. The only movie I'm really excited to see. But we've got awhile before this one comes out.