So I dinked around in game last night, being Rank 5 I wasnt too worried about getting into PVP already but I did get my first PVP quest so thought hells ya lets do it.

I havnt actually completed the quest yet but I noticed I get a butt load of XP for each scenario we PVP'd in.

Does this hold true throughout the game or just lower levels?

Its like a PVPers wet dream. I dont have to Q up anywhere, just through my UI and go quest, the Q pops and and go PVP, the games over and I get ported right back to where I was when I took it.

Ive gotten 2000-3000xp per PVP senario which is like completing two average quest. Does the XP scale as you rank up? I noticed some of the rank 10 guys in there were getting like 5000XP each.