So in the spirit of politics – here is todays manifesto on political hot topics:

EPA: Good idea – keep it. At one time, rivers really did catch on fire. They have their place. Maybe tone it down some – the world can survive w/out the snail darter.

Additional drilling for oil: Stop, stop it now. This is our long term national reserve. We’ll tap it plenty good when people can no longer fly to Earth Day parades.

Subsidies: They have their place – the government can kick-start some good ideas or prop up some important industries through troubled times. No subsidy program should ever last more than a few years. $300 Billion a year in farm subsidies is crazy. Why are we doing this? I think capitalism is a pretty good idea – let’s try it.

High incarceration rate: The US is sometimes bemoaned for the largest prison system in the world. I think this is a good thing – keep the trash out of the way helps the rest of us get on with getting on.

War on Drugs: So I hear - marijuana is not a dangerous drug, nor is it all that addictive. IMHO it should be regulated on the same level as tobacco. We saw this before in the 20’s – why is this so hard? (and no, I’ve never smoked weed or any other illicit drug, nor do I want to). There’s a LOT of intelligent freedom minded folks who feel this way – why is this a political death sentence? Harder stuff tends to wreck a person quickly, and keeping it more restricted makes sense.

Tax the rich – feed the poor: All for it – visit some 3rd world Mecca where they don’t do this and you’ll see Hell on Earth. I’ll pay my part happily, since in the end I actually do give a small crap about my fellow man. And yes, my total income is higher for it (no electric fences, society functions so can have a job, didn’t get robbed last night, wasn’t shot for food). My definition of basic minimum doesn’t include 50” plasma screen cable TV.

Taxes: I was raised and taught to pay my bills. Damn shame some fools in government ran up incredible bills for the last 10 years that now somebody is going to have to pay. I don’t blame the next guy for raising my taxes. I might blame him for his definition of “fair” and just how much he plans on squandering what we’re already paying.

Gun control: All for it – I don’t want irresponsible folks having weapons of any kind. Good thing that’s what we have on the books already. More just seems like hand wringing – to what end?

War in Iraq: Wups. The good news is, we’ve essentially won. Nobody talks about that anymore, but from what I hear, the War in Iraq is basically over. Afghanistan is heating up a bit – let’s hope that one doesn’t get ugly. At least there’s not the added sting of “wups” to Afghanistan – IMHO we really needed to go there.

Vote: IMHO, should be harder. Perhaps a tax receipt requirement or registration for Jury duty. Make a constitutionally consistent hoop and I'll jump through it.

Pie: Like it.