It's almost Mardi Gras time!

Mardi Gras Day this year (2009) falls on February 24th. For those of you not familiar with the New Orleans festivities, all the best parades are held the weekend immediately prior to Mardi Gras day (Thursday - Monday). Mardi Gras is absolutely my favorite holiday, and despite what you may have heard, it really can be a family-oriented fun time. Yes, there are places where you can go and see varying degrees of debauchery (boobies being on the mild end of the spectrum), but those places are for tourists....the locals stay uptown and enjoy a few days of good food, drinking, and parades.

I wanted to extend an invitation to any AK and AK families to come warm up this February and join us in New Orleans for a long weekend. Although we don't live in New Orleans, and therefore can't offer to let everyone stay at our house, I can offer to show you around and show you a good time in the Big Easy. I may be able to snag a condo for the weekend, so there's a chance that free lodging may be available, and I will be snagging a large patch of neutral ground to set up camp for the weekend. Although the city will be at its most crowded that weekend, and basically all the tourist destinations (zoo, french quarter, etc) will either be packed or closed, there will be plenty to do and see.

So, anyone that might be interested in a fairly inexpensive winter vacation, we'd love to see you. You, the wife/hubby, the kids, you guys are all welcome!