*I am a 22 year old student.
*Available all nights after 8pm server, usually before as well.
*Last guild was Logic where I was a class and leader and officer. Left because the guild disbanded because of differences between the founders.
*Raid experience- PreBC= MC, Ony
BC= SSC, Kara, ZA, Mag, Gruul
WotLK= Multiple clears on 10/25man Naxx, VoA, OS
experience in 10/25Maly as well
*I would put myself between hardcore and regular raiding. I enjoy raiding and progression and will try to be as much a part of it as possible.
*/played on this Char= 33days
*email address=

Riothealz (Holy)
*Raid specced Holy (53/0/18)
*Have key to 10man Maly
*450 JC and Mining. Can make the DPS/Tank/and Caster epic ring and neck. Also have a large collection of recipies
*Mods- Visual Heal, Clique, Xperl, Omen, OptiTaunt, DBM, Recount.
*Have Ventrilo as well as a working mic
*Baby Blizzard Bear ftw

Would also like to add my Prot set can MT 25man Naxx.
30khp unbuffed, 546Def, and near 60% mitigation

*I am looking for a guild with which I can progress deep into the new 3.1 content. I enjoy difficult challenges, and as a healer like being in an important role.
*favorite food is a toss up between chile relanos and a real good steak
*Last three books I read outside of boring history books for my courses was Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail 72 (Hunter S Thompson is always fun to read), Books of Blood (Clive Barker horror short stories which were creepy and well done), and Dreams of our Fathers (Obama, had to learn a little more abut the man in charge)
*Favorite Movie is another toss up between Super Troopers and Ghostbusters
*Go with a duffel bag or reusable bag to save those trees
*Picard mostly because of his awesome remix song