Tell us about you:

Your "Real Life" Age and Occupation: 37, Infrastructure Enginneering Manager.

Availabilty for Raids: Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday

Past guilds, and why you left each: Children of the Grave, moved from them when the Guild Leader went insane to Stampers. I still mourn Jt's Laviller and Veralynn. I left Stampers because they already had 5 resto druids. I ended up at Retribution for 9 months raiding, BWL, MC, old school NAX, and AQ40.

Past Raid Experience: I have been in every old school raid instance including Zul'Grub, AQ20, AQ40, Ony, BWL, MC, and Naxx. ALL Pre BC. A few weeks before Burning Crusade was released, I decided to join my brother and play Horde on Emerald Dream. Which is where I have been playing ever since. ON Horde, I have numerous raid achievements but never really found that one Raiding guild that I felt apart of; however, I did get in numerous BC raid content zones, including Kara and Sunwell Plateau. Recently in WotLK, I made the achievement - Champion of the Frozen Wastes, then re-launched my MAIN toon, Fenrous.

Interest: (Hard Core Raiding/Regular Raiding/Social Raiding/PVP) My main focus has always been Hard Core raiding, as in every last raid event whether I needed gear from that instance or not. But in the years prior to coming back to the Alliance, pretty much was limited to 5 Man heroics and Arenas doing PvP.

How long have you been playing? (/played) On Fenrous that is a good question, I will have to look. On Cywyn (my Horde) 125 days, 4 hours, 32 minutes

Your email address:

Tell us about your raiding main: Fenrous is my main toon. Always has been and always will be. Historically, I have played a Feral Druid and a Restoration Druid, all before the announcement of Zul'Grub. After I maxed my level, I began playing as a full-time Restoration Druid. Healing is my love and what I enjoy. Currently, Fenrous is dual speced as a Restoration Druid and a Balance Druid. And I still find leveling as a Tree somewhat easier than as a Moonkin.

Character Name: Fenrous

Class: Druid

Raid Spec: Restoration Druid, Specalizing in Regrowth healing
Link to the WOW Armory:

Attunements: Onyxia, Upper Black Rock Spire, Blackwing Layer, Old School Naxxaramas

Alts if any: If I play Alliance I play Fenrous, and thats it.

What are your professions? Jewelcrafting (426) and Enchanting (450)

Are there any notable/exciting craftables that you can make? I am working towards the Runed Scarlet Ruby but not having played Allaince for Burning Crusade there is a lot of stuff for me to go back and fix. Only thing that I am excited abotu in Enchanting is I can do all of the Spellpower enchants.

What mods do you currently have installed? Omen, CT_Raid, CT_Core, Recount ( I like to monitor my overhealing), Grid, Bartender, Pitbull 4 (I like to see incoming heals on my targets), and Atlas. I have a few others like class timers, smart buff, and smart debuff, but they are for me to see things immediately.

Do you have ventrillo installed? Yes, and it is Ventrilo btw.

Do you have a working microphone and know how to use it? Yes.

IMPORTANT - What is your favorite non-combat pet? My Mini-Diablo, only because he is a MINI Lord of Terror, although I do miss my Sinister Squashling. Guessing my next favorite is my Sprite Darter.

Miscellaneous - and probably most important section of all:

Why do you want to join the August Knights? Simply put, Azmodious. Everything else is just butter on top. I started playing on Azgalor many moons ago because of Azmodious, I moved from Earthen Ring. And only left because he stopped playing.....

Do you know any current August Knights members who would be willing to vouch for you? Azmodious, and Luglonglife (old school CotG guildie)

If you could have one "final meal" on earth, what would it be? WoW, what an interesting question but alas one that definetly changes with each meal I eat since, therotically that could be the last meal on Earth; however, they all do seem to have lots of salsa with them. Also, it would have potatoes, just can't eat enough of them, especially with salsa on them.

What are the last three books you read, and what did you think of each? The unauthorized book of Death Note, got to say for a 'simple manga' story line it is very interesting the depth of probing and questioning to prove that Light was Akira, especially since he loses his memories when he disposes of the Death Notebook. The Allies of Humanity, I am going to assume that no one reading this has even heard of the book, let alone read it. But my mind is naturally inquisitive and constantly striving to know the horrid truth, even if it means melting my cerebral cortex in the process. If you read, and I mean read and try to put aside preprogramming you might be suprised at where your brain ventures. I am not an alien nut, but there is no doubt they are out there and that they have visited us throughout our meager existence, even today. Lastly, The Gospel of Saint Thomas. Again, not a religous nut, but it is amazing in what has been said and done. Supposedly, we are not even adapting to very much of what we are capable of.

What is your all-time favorite movie, and why? Holey crap, are you kidding me, how can one just pick 1 favorite all time movie? Okay, okay, I am picking Star Wars (A New Hope), because some day Jedism will be just as wide spread as Scientology and better for Humanity as well. The path to the dark side is littered with cookies and good intentions.

Paper or Plastic? I perfer the feeling of paper over plastic, but like plastic for its durability. Besides, it gives me something to deal with people at a moments notice.

Diamond Dave or Sammy? This is best said as summed up by an old song I cant seem to find at the moment - "**** you Sammy Hagar for ruining the best band ever"

Kirk or Picard? Why? Kirk, because no one can hear you over the sound of how awesome he is. Also, he is the first to boldly go where no man had gone before; not to mention his monologing was top notch, period. WHO can forget the awesome fighting dual between him and Spock. What memories of Picard? Some dude that had a smart mouthed brat on his ship, that couldnt commit and made Number 2 do everything. Pshhh what a waste.

I realize that I am not quite 80 yet, but I am working to push through the last 5 levels to get there.