Quote Originally Posted by [AK]Bojan View Post
I enjoy the game alot. I have only ran into the Que issue once but i know its there and it does suck.

Game play while in game is excellent considering its pre/release they are taking care to make sure the servers are playable for the folks that are playing instead of letting 4000 people log and and reduce game play to a crawl.

I enoy the questing system 10 fold over wow.

I enjoy the crafting system 10 fold over wow.

I enjoy leveling something new and different, experiencing something new and different.

Is it going to be a long term game? Too early to tell but I am crossing my fingures because I see no reason why it cant be.

Instances I havnt experienced yet, raiding I havnt experienced yet, end game I havnt experienced yet.

To me the $50.00 will be worth the grind to lvl 50 to find out.
What he said!