Last edited by Unregistered; 01-25-2014 at 10:09 AM. Reason: kavZSaJoenZWDG
he's got a funny symbol in his name...
Astute observation Rhi, I'm impressed! =)
I say invite, I think I'm the only one with a ret pally main now.
Pallies aren't OP - everyone else just sucks.
Swae, you know you wanna come back. ICC should be out before too long, and you know how much fun it is being a pally in a raid instance full of nothing but undead mobs!!!
Pallies aren't OP - everyone else just sucks.
Wow, Kidd if YOU don't know who Swae is you're just screwed..
I have a Ret Pally that that is my new main.....and hes trying like hell to get geared for Tanking.