Quote Originally Posted by [AK]Abaddon View Post
If I recall correctly, Gizmodo also called Apple to tell them that they had the phone.
That is how I heard it. I expect Gizmodo's goal was Apple would claim it , and so confirm it was the real deal. Giving Gizmodo a great scoop with a few exterior photos of the confirmed Gen 4 phone. They wanted Apple to claim it. Instead, Apple mishandled this in every way imaginable, and now look like complete jerks. The cops look in their pocket - my nieghbor lost his phone a month ago in a bar - very similar circumstances. Noboby busted doors down arrested anyone, or siezed business assets to get him his phone back. If it was returned, imagine the reaction if he called 911 after it was returned. No body broke into Apple and stole this phone.

As to media protection - if Gizmodo is incorporated, case closed. Though I find that whole clause to be disturbing - why is a citizen not afforded the same rights as the media?