I read www.nbcnews.com to get my blood pressure up in the morning, then switch over to The Drudge Report for more balanced coverage. I'm very conservative, but the shrill idiocy of Fox News completely turns me off.

I used to read LittleGreenFootballs.com for news links, but it switched over to being a fawning apologist site for Obama several years ago -- and strictly devoted to attacking the religious right and Israel rather than opposing the unfriendlies in our midst. I think Charles had some sort of mental breakdown.

I do not have any form of cable/satellite at my house, so I completely miss out on the high quality of television news these days -- If I can't read about it, I don't hear about it. There's nothing worse than waiting for some idiot to tease the news and read off a teleprompter when I could already have gleaned the facts from that story and read three more.