Tough to find a satisfactory news source these days. If you do get all your news from one source/one side, you're getting a very incomplete story.

For the most part, I avoid mainstream news. Most of the priority stories are about attractive white people who behave stupidly in a mostly personal matter, and end up with some skewed justice one way or another. Stories that just piss you off, without actually providing pertinent information on matters that will affect my life. So I just avoid it.

So I avoid FOX news like the plague, as well as ABCBSNBCMSNBLahBlah.

Most of my right wing news comes from:
DrudgeReport (which is loosing a lot of cool points for me, most of their links are to aggressive spam sites, and sensationalism focused) I'm going there less. (VERY right wing, with some knuckle dragging, but also some very intelligent sparks in there too. With a focus on cool gun stuff. A male dominated right wing hang out - my people!)
The O'Reilly Factor - yea yea, he's on FOX, and he's painfully arrogant (beyond his capabilities), but he does offer more intelligent commentary for the Right than most.

Left Wing news comes from:
The John Stewart Show. In my opinion, one of the most intelligent commentators out there, and funny too. But sometimes he goes pretty retard left. The thing I like about him though, is he's willing to have intelligent respectful discussion, and regularly brings right-wingers on his show - if they'll come. If I were to have a celebrity dinner party - this guy is invited.
The Corbert Report - mostly, this guy is a less interesting wannabe who just happens to come on after Stewart.
Any other mainstream media source (other than FOX) that I unwilling happen to be forced to watch.

The tough part is the Right Wingers basically just aren't as good at the communication arts as Left Wingers. It's a right brain/left brain thing I guess.

Basically - best answer I've seen:
O'Reilly factor then followed by John Stewart on the same day - is a nice balance.

Sometimes PBS can surprise you too. I like the McNeil/Lehre show.