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Thread: New Rig

  1. #1
    August Knights
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    New Rig

    If anyone else is looking to build a new machine this year, you may be interested in what I came up with after doing a lot of research. I ordered it all from Newegg earlier today. Total after rebates: $1656.91.

  2. #2
    Short Fuse [AK]Gunny Highway's Avatar
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    Get it put together yet? If so thoughts? Thinking of putting a new rig together soon.

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  3. #3
    August Knights
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    Just got everything yesterday. Now I have to find the time to throw it all together. Maybe this weekend.

  4. #4
    August Knights
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    It's up and running. The build went fairly smoothly; the only casualty was the retention clip on the PCIe slot, which I broke trying to remove the massive video card in order to get to the SATA ports. Even without it, the card seems to be seated securely, so I'm not worried. I got Win7 installed with no problems, and the machine boots to desktop lightning fast. I'm going to fiddle with voltages and whatnot tonight, then I'll get some benchmark scores.

  5. #5
    August Knights
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    Do you prefer Win 7 to Win8? I can't stand the Win8 default interface, but with 8.1 and a few setting changes, was able to get rid of that.
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  6. #6
    August Knights
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    Windows 7 is a solid, mature operating system. I don't think the same can be said for Windows 8. It seems to me that Win8 is to Win7 what Vista is to XP: not worth the upgrade.

  7. #7
    August Knights
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    I actually think the improvements in Windows 8 are good, if you can get past the interface. I use 8.1 on my "main" non-gaming rig. I do still use 7 on my sim racing / gaming rig though. There are a ton of 3rd party 'solutions' to returning the start menu to the desktop - where I spend 99% of my time. The good news is that Windows 9 will be losing the 'charms', and the start menu will be coming back. Not enough of a reason to upgrade to 8 from 7 though (I did because I got 8 for $15 promo), but I wouldn't go out of my way to avoid having it either.
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