Its that jolly time of year again when we use vaguely religious dates and times as another excuse to fill our lives with more empty and meaningless crap and possesions. Let the holiday shopping begin. I bought almost everyone I know one of those santas that craps rasinettes. My girlfriend, (who, as opposed to me actually has a kind heart and a soul that is not totally blighted with wickedness) decided to buy presents with a bit more gusto...this convinces me that I have the finest girlfriend on the planet...after this weekend in particular. Knowing my love of games of the video nature, she tells me my gift: I am to select one (1) console of my choosing: XBox, PS2, or the silly Gamecube. Now, you may think this is a very easy choice--but I assure you it is not. My options are as follows:

a. choose the PS2 for its DVD player, marvelous track record and abundance of games and it will play some of my old PS games
b. choose the Xbox, for MS's wonderful track record of creating quality products (no sarcasm), its fine games in particular, and its abundant hype
c. choose the Xbox for its low cost and abundance of Pokemon based games
d. tell her not to spend the money, and do all the shopping at the gas station and buy me a santa that craps rasinettes instead.

I am leaning toward the PS2 option (a) at present, but I'm fickle and my preferences change like the winds. I want to know YOUR opinions, as I have never really paid much attention to consoles, especially as of late.

*please note: this post was shameless boasting all around, but I still want your console opinions.

Merry FaXmas!