The bad news first: My main machine appears to have burned out its motherboard during some power issues I've been having.

The good news? Well, first of all, I'll be picking up a new motherboard this evening and transferring my parts into it. Depending on price, I might go ahead and buy a new processor too...upgrade from 900 mhz to 1.5-1.7 Ghz (Athlon, of course). apartment complex is offering free cable internet to be installed tomorrow. So I'll be blazing fast for T2 practice on Sunday (provided my machine works, of course). Not that this changes anything--this place is a ripoff, and I'm still moving out and buying a house in May. How much of a ripoff is this place? The monthly lease payments on a two-bedroom house will be less than half of a month's rent at this one-bedroom dump. So I'll probably end up putting some of the money I save each month towards cable there as well.