The 'random encounters' trigger in the toolset can be scaled to the players level. The module will scale up or down the difficulty of the encounter as desired. For example, you choose the type of encounter, say, repeating, then choose the class of monster (ex. goblinoids..) then simply draw a shape on the map, that when a player steps into it the encounter begins, and monsters appear. The toolset is surprisingly easy to use, but its the C scripting to make the module more interesting and add subtle nuances that's proving challenging for me. I'm having trouble having cattle follow waypoints around a farmers pen, or deer run through a forest for example. Its fine if they just stand there, but it would be nice to add some realism to the mix. I'll try some new things this weekend, and playtest it to see how it looks once more. But apart from that, using the toolset has generally been a pleasant experience.