Titus Hammaker, wealthy land owner and farmer in West Shannekh and dear friend from your father's Legion days, has sent for you urgently on a matter of great importance. It seems that Titus' son Marcus has been missing for sometime now after leaving on a hunting trip into East Shannekh with a group of his friends. Unable to search for his son on his own, Titus asks you [and your party] to search for his son and either return him home or find conclusive evidence of his demise.

This mission of good will (and fortune...the guy's wealthy, right?) will take you and your party through East and West Shannekh, the Hur Lai Temple, Catacombs and Labrynth, the Bittertooth Mountains, including the ominous Bittertooth Castle high atop the peaks, and finally to Kandor, feared City of the Dead in search of Marcus and his friends. You will also find an [as of yet] unamed mine and crypt in your travels. Additionally, you'll find along the way that there's much more going on in Shannekh than the simple disappearance of an old family friend...

This module should be completely terraformed in a couple of days, but I'll be relying heavily on Squidly to provide the thickened storyline and addition of monsters. I'm pretty happy with what I've got so far (about 12 areas of the 18 or so planned are complete), but I think the completed module will be a sight to behold... Stay tuned for more updates...