I'm sorry I just have to rant for a minute.. What is with the Bush family, do they love to go to war with Irag, or just war period? I mean come on.. is he really trying to follow in daddy's foot steps? This has to be the dumbest administration in the course of my life.. which, I know, isn't that long, only on its 4th administration since I was born in the regan era.. but I am in no way republican.. I for one do not support Big Business, as I would rather see Microsoft come tumbling down than to submit to their crappy OS for ever more.. GW has to be the stupidest president in my life time, as well as this administration.. his dad was better, Regan was the best republican in my life time (although I don't remember that administration much).. I'm sure there are people who would argue with me.. but War on Iraq is the dumbest thing we could possibly do.. I just hope colonies on the Moon start soon, cause if this "war" breaks out, I don't want to be here for what could be WW3.. Nostradamus predicted WW3 between 2002-2003 if I remember correctly... with the end of the world coming in 2003.. I don't want to see this.. And there is only one way for us to avoid this prediction, thats to get Bussh and his administration to pull their heads out of their rectums. If there is a draft, I will be one of the first to head north.. I mean, I consider myself exceptionally patriotic(exspecially when there is people around here that wear rebel flag shirts, and tote that flag endlessly.. and Ohio is in the NORTH.. me and one of my friends made fun of a guy in taco bell once because he had a rebel flag shirt on once.. My friend said it correctly when he said - "That shirt offended me, of course I'm gonna say something about it.") Anyway, This war against Iraq offends me.. and I'm gonna speak my head off about this.. We may have the technology.. but I have friends who they would send over there, one of which is just as skilled in computers as me.. theres nothing we can't figure out when we work together, but hes in the marines.. and the last thing I want to see is my best friend sent off to a rediculous, uncalled for "war", just becasue the leader of the other country is "evil". Who are we to judge who is good and evil? We are no one, we are just as corrupt as the rest of them.. and this nation will be damned for this "war".. if we go into this "war", I will no longer be as patriotic as I once was... in fact the closer we are getting to this "war" I find myslef drifting further and further away.. I say, at least, finish the business with Osama before starting everything else.. Not everyone is going to be like us, we can't stuff our beliefs down other peoples throats like we did in Afghanistan.. I don't think our Allies will even be with us if we go guns blazking into Iraq, its too close to them, and way too close if the nuclear weapons get involved.. It'll be east vs. West on this one.. a Global Civil War of sorts.. Of course, most of this is purely speculation.. but you never know.. and I still don't support storming into Iraq and killing people..

I'm done now, feel free to leave feedback.. I'm done for now.. but there will be more if Congress approves the Bush administrations move to declare war on Iraq ragardless of the UN.. since thats something they are pushing for today(thursday)..