Some kiddies are too funny.

A classic line there "Bottom line- SNIPER IS BROKEN, it should peg you if the crosshairs are on you when you're moving PERIOD that's what sniper is for"

And that guy was calling others noobs for saying that bullets take time to travel. Personaly I am glad it takes some skill to use the weapons. I do pretty damn good with any gun I am given, just have to know how to hit them (in WWIIOL bullets take time to travel so you always lead a moving target, of course ballistics are modeled there as well so you have to account for bullet drop or if you are closer than the sites are set for then the bullet will be high). Seems fine to me in BF1942.

I do fine with the medic SMG's and the engineer rifle, racked up 20+ kills in games with the engineer rifle (no explosives or mines used that time). Just got to practice with it to know how to hit and a head shot is a one hit kill. I don't realy care for sniping, and as the engineer you are a mini sniper with other abilities. Snipers have the advantage of range with the sight.