Hey all,

I'm trying to determine if BF1942 is performing well on my machine, or normal should I say, or if I'm having problems.

When I'm by myself or only one or two people, I stay up around 80 - 100fps... but as soon as it starts getting crowded, I sometimes get the "skippies". This happens most when say 12-15 or more people (especially with equipment) get into the same area of view and there are explosions, firing, etc. Is this normal for most of you guys too?

Obviously you can see my system settings in my sig (Bribo & Squid - Let me know if you need me to make it bigger for you guys )

Some of the settings I can think of off the top of my head:

1024 X 768 X 16 resolution
Shadows off
All other settings are "maxed"
Sounds at 11mhz with the setting to "low"
Hardware acceleration is on for sound

Have any of you guys figured out any other settings that effect fps the most?
