hi guys.

i'm researching how to setup a wireless home network. my sister just got a laptop, and i figured to save her some money by letting her laptop share my dsl connection. however, it's an unusual setup since the dsl modem is a pci card installed in my desktop computer. the desktop does have an ethernet jack to spare.

the laptop is relatively old, and it does not have any type of networking built-in. there's a free pcmia slot available.

i'd like to network the computers through wireless access. i may have another desktop computer some time in the future, so this network may expand to connect three computers rather than two.

what should i use? a router? an access point? a wireless pcmia card? how would i get started on setting up a network? i am completely new to this field of technology.

networking specs:
3com 3c920 integrated ethernet controller
intel pro/dsl 2200 internal modem - pppoa

lousy 56k modem