Oh Slaughter! if your thinking about the United Cutlery's Samurai 3000 katana. then I would have to say go for it. I bought it, and I've never been more satisfied in my life. I can stare at that thing for hours, its quite the piece of work.

As for Quebec DD, take it, in fact, I'll hand it over. Less seperatist frenchies for us to deal with. never seen a more ungrateful bunch in my life. And their all insane drivers.
I don't hate them, I'm just a little pissed at their attitudes.
And of course, their not all like that, just the 40 some odd percent that voted yes in that referrendum (hell if I can spell that at 1:00 AM).

The equal force thing actually appeals to me, though I live a quiet life in a...slightly less than quiet town, in a quiet neighbourhood.
I've dealt with, in my Highschool years, the kids who will grow up to be thieves, and robbers. and I'm waiting (which is rather scary a thought) for one of them to come along so I can skillfully apply that rule to them. Win or loose I would still consider myself the better. You cant defend something and be wrong, especially when it's your home.