Originally posted by [AK]Hale
I like how I'm branded a socialist, left winger or told to go to North Korea or some similar nonsense whenever I disagree with certain people here. Are you that insecure that anyone with a different opinion is dismissed out of hand?

I also find it ironic that the same people who only want to hear people with their exact same point of view are the same ones wrapping themselves in the Constitution. If nothing else, that document should stand freedom of thought, opinion, and expression. Last time I checked, I'm entitled to my opinion. I'm sure I could dredge up a bunch of quotes for people who thought the same way if I wanted to, but its not worth it.

My only point is I don't think people should carry devices who's only purpose is to kill other people. In my mind, that doesn't interfere with anyones freedoms. That's the end of my participation in this discussion.
Hale's point is very valid in this discussion...

I am going to make a generalization here... most Republican types I've talked to are prone to a lack of debate skills... I get so frusterated that I've spent a good part of my life becoming an educated reasonable member of society to have someone who is opinionated just dismiss me on the grounds that he's right and I'm wrong.

The modern politician is the worst hypocrit... they wrap themselves in the constitution and patriotism and package it in a nice media package while they take money from lobbists and corporations and the top 1% of american wealth and proceed to pass laws that keep those same people in power... OVER YOU! And you're buying this shit up!!!! Bush has one of the highest approval ratings ever!!!