**Bitch Slaps Slaughter**


Man, you are 19 years old! LOL Hell, you don't even realize what you truly want until you are at least 25.

I was 26 when I got married and that was sooner than I would have ever imagined back when I was 18 or 19!

Go to college... chill, study, go out, work hard, and have fun. That's what college is all about - experiencing alot of different things. Same thing with women. It helps when you go to a college or university that has alot of diversity (IE - They aren't all "locals" with a few girls from "up state" or something like that). Trust me, I was nobody's Adonis in college, let alone now! - and I 'dated' a Japanese girl, a 2 different girls from Texas, 2 from Virginia (where I went to school), 1 from Norway (Was she a strange bird!!), and finally ended up with my wife who is from Bethlehem, PA where I now live. Theres someone for everyone out there... but just live and let it happen.

</Hylanders Soap Box>