I have literally never tried to get a girl. I'm too lazy and unconcerned with being alone. I didn't go on a single date in college until the very end of my first year, which was difficult considering the sheer number of beautiful women who go to the University of Oregon (I guess most universities are full of young, impressionable beauties, but there seemed to be an impossible amount at UO). True, I was a bit miserable from time to time, but not so miserable that I actually felt compelled to put forth the effort to ask a girl on a date. I briefly dated one very cute and enthusiastic girl (who threw herself at me) right before the summer, then I met the beautiful and talented woman I've been with for the last five years and seven months (she also did all the work). All this success with no effort put forth whatsoever, and I'm not that good-looking. Furthermore, no one has ever accused me of having a good, or even likeable personality. All my appeal seems to lie in my balding pate, appreciation of the arts (chicks dig that), and keen intellect. Even if you don't have these things, you can fake them. Just shave the top of your head, leaving the hair on the sides and back long, take your dates to symphonies or operas, pretending that you are thoroughly enjoying yourself while commenting on the genius of the maestro's interpretation or the interesting ornamentation in the coloratura soprano's cabaletta, and read a couple "For Dummies" books on French poetry and Greek philosophy. Impressing young women is really not that difficult. On the other hand, keeping them impressed for five years after they have come to the realization that you are, in actuality, not that interesting takes a great deal of painstaking effort.