Don't think I can't tell a cut-n-pasted answer from an 'off your brain' answer! You may not look up your answers in a book, the Internet, or any other source of reference. If there were 10 people reading the acronyms of the day, all 10 people could go hit the net and find the answer. Easily. There's no challenge in it.

Keep in mind, I don't expect highly technical answers to what the acronyms' definition is. Layman's terms is what I looking for.


Because anyone can search the net and find the technical answer, it doesn't mean that they are any closer to understanding what it is they just read. Sure, lots of people can learn through reading - but not everyone is that inclined to have the information soak into their brain. By answering the 'question' in your own words, even though it might not be 100% accurate, you might even actually learn a bit more about the subject rather than doing a quick search, cutting, pasting, then forgetting what it was you just pasted.

I have lots of RFC numbers and context memorized. Lots... And it's no task for me to go to and search for ones I don't know. Taking the 2 minutes it takes to find, cut-n-paste, and forget the information does nothing. I know and you know how easy it is to find information on the Internet. If you're going to merely cut-n-paste your "knowledge" I might as well include a URL in the post which contains the acronym, so you don't waste any excessive time looking for what you're passing off as your own knowledge.

In case there is any question, you may not employ any aid of references in the answering of this acronym trivia! Ya damn cheaters.

The Wraith