Hi folks ...

I currently pay for DSL through a local ISP on a Southwestern Bell DSL line, to the tune of $29.95 for the ISP and $32 for the DSL service. I have 256K down and 256Kb up. My connection is super-smooth and I have low latency for gaming.

Another local ISP is now offering DSL, – 1500Kb down and 384Kb up for a total of $38 per month (line and all). However, their DSL line is through a firm called Caprock Communications, not Southwestern Bell.

I am considering changing providers, strictly because of the cost difference, but I would hate to lose my excellent latency. Does anyone have experience with this sort of situation?

I'm also asking on behalf of my boss, who wants DSL for his home and might switch over our office connection, which currently costs $150 per month for 1000Kb up/down.


"An armed society is a polite society" - R.A. Heinlein

[This message has been edited by [AK]Abaddon (edited 12-28-2000).]

[This message has been edited by [AK]Abaddon (edited 12-28-2000).]