Actually not really, just going to Rant a little about an unamerican, American company.

American Greetings really crossed the line today, by putting limits on anothers Freedom of Speech and Press. American Greetings recently threatened to sue Penny Arcade for the comic regarding American McGee.. saying that the characture they depicted was that of Strawberry Shortcake, one of their intelectual properties I assume.

In my opinion the characture was nothing that reminded me of "Strawberry Shortcake". Thus being so, as well as my love for the work Gabe and Tycho do, I emailed American Greetings telling them that what I thought they did was wrong and that I from now on not a customer of theirs. Guess its Hallmark from now on for me.

Read the Article at

Say whatever you want, just know that I have already stated my opinion and stand firmly beside it.