What still amazes me about Liberals is they will vote for anyone that is not Bush. The Liberal media has brain washed people so bad that they honestly believe Bush is bad for this country... Liberals are willing to put one of our weakest politians into office just so Bush is out. Of course it means nothing that he turned the economy around, while cutting taxes. Or the fact that he's not afraid to stand up to the special interest groups.
Perhaps that is what the Liberals hate the most: Liberals are all about their civil rights, however when it comes to not agreeing with them about abortion, gay marriage, or affirmative action, well then your just an evil person who should be sent to sensitivity training. I like to call those classes what they really are: concentration camps. Your rights do not mean a thing as long as you disagree with them. Of course I am not too happy with Republicans either right now, because the fact of the matter is we have judges re-writing laws and they should be arrested. The Mayor of San Franciso did something that was blatantly against the law, but no one arrested him. God forbid some Mayor from Texas says it OK to buy automatic weapons... You know what would happen then....

I truly believe if Stalin or Hitler ran for office they would vote for them as opposed to Bush, because after all they were freedom fighters just like al-Sadr....

Ahhhhh, I feel better now....