Quote Originally Posted by [AK]Bribo
Not a bad idea... but who's going to pay for it?

Besides, there already is a great alternative energy source - it's called nuclear energy. If we relied more on nuclear energy we'd depend less on foreign oil.

Even this hero of the environment movement agrees.
Bribo, of course... "The Rich" are going to pay for it. In other words, you and me and other hard working Americans who make more than $8 an hour - which is the definition of "The Rich" if you are a Liberal.

Nuclear energy is a very realistic solution to the problem in terms of technological feasibility, but the typical enviro-whacko with the NIMBA attitude will halt it, just like oil exploration. If our country had enviro-terrorists in charge, our industry would become highly inefficient, non-competitive in the world marketplace, and we would have our liberties hog tied. All in the name of 'global warming' and other fallacies of false science.

Trust me, I love my gas gulping auto's as much as the next guy (if not more!!), and I don't want the government making any limitations on my freedom to drive that auto. However, I truly hope that one day fuel cell technology takes off because I would most certainly drive one as my 'daily driver' back and forth to work. Hell, I was seriously considering a Prius for my daily commuter - just as long as I can keep a V8, 5mpg Roadster if I so choose.

There are many possible solutions, ways to mitigate, and false hypothesis based on shady science in terms of pollution, ozone depletion, global warming, etc. My primary motivation for alternative fuel sources is not so much for the environmental benefits, but just the fact we rely on others for this resource and it is not a free market in which it is sold and purchased.

That being said, Americans are 'spoiled' in terms of the price of oil.