
I pretty much grew up with these movies as a child and I really did enjoy them, at the time. I do remember renting the movies time and time again. I was even a loyal fan of the animated series. But as the movie franchise went on, it got old. Even as a kid, I began to grow bored of the movie's over-used concept of "police dysfunction" after "Citizens On Patrol", which would also be known as "Police Academy 4". Everything began to look cliche and by the 5th movie, it seemed like the same jokes were being recycled over and over again. It just felt like they were running out of material. Anyway, by early 1997, I became excited once I heard of the pending debut of the Police Academy TV series. So I sat down through an episode or two, rolled my eyes, and quickly changed the channel. In other words, it sucked. Even for a 12 year old. It was nice seeing faces from the movie but the jokes (and even the music) were very annoying.