Electric triggers offer enhanced sensitivity (woohoo!) What that means is that you can tune your trigger to the point where it basically has the travel of a mouse click (or less) to start the firing process. That's the way I have my gun set up.

Electric guns also sometimes offer "firing modes". 1 press = 3 shots, press and hold = full auto, that sort of thing. Verbotten for tourneys of course.

The downside to electric guns is that you can't immerse them in water. In most cases nothing will happen if you play in the rain, but in a torrential downpour you probably ought to "pack it in". Battery life isn't too big a deal. My Angel has a big honkin' NI-MH thing, and you just plug it in to your charger. Most lower end electrics use 9v batteries. Keep 2-3 in your paintball toolbox and you'll never have a problem.

In other news, I'm seriously considering upgrading from my Angel Speed to the full-on Angle Fly. My guitar sold and I've got the xtra cash burning a hole in my pocket. It may happen very soon.