The liberal left, in my opinion, just seem so out of touch with a majority of americans. Here's a quote from the linked article,
"Of those who said religious convictions were important as a quality in their leader, 91 percent voted for Bush. "When we did our polling before the election and asked people the five most important issues on their minds, moral values just never came up," said John Zogby, the head of Zogby International, a polling firm that predicted a Kerry victory early Tuesday before the votes came in. "I'm baffled. It was obviously extremely important as a driver."
"Baffled". Did you see that? "Baffled". The fundemental difference between left and right. Why the left loved Clinton and the right loved Reagan. In plain clear english, it has finally been explained. Liberals are 'baffled' by the right's strong moral value system.
Another good quote:
"I think there is a huge sense of elitism among pollsters and the media on the role of religion in our society," said Zogby."
The complete article can be found HERE.