QUOTE(Atomsplit @ Nov 3 2004, 04:17 PM)
Sorry, obviously my sarcasm didn't come out properly. Your country has my sympathy, but I suppose I can look forward to many more witty "bushisms".

"Oh, no. Certainly your sarcasm "came out properly". However, I found no humor in it whatsoever as your sarcarsm, despite the fact that it did indeed "come out properly", was stupid and in low taste.

We have your sympathy? Okay. That is really nice to know but know this: Your sympathy seems to be directed in the wrong direction for it is not the American people who need your "sympathy". Have you thought about feeling sorry for the French? Now there's a people who'd appreciate it and welcome it with open arms.

For anyone here that has the guts to degrade politicians: Keep in mind that you are dishonoring the spirits of great men who have gotten us through dark periods in our recent history. Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, John F. Kennedy. Think twice or at least educate yourself first before ridiculing men whom you will never be capable of comparing yourself to.

To those who hate Bush: I would bet that no one here (especially the Europeans) has no type of intellectual substance supporting their rather simple minded and ignorant perspectives on Bush. You should know that the man went to Yale. Sure, he is not as articulately skilled as say, most politicians, but he can surely make decisions and stick to them. Unlike John Kerry. I challenge you all to look beyond the simple minded opinions that you all seem to possess and educate yourself not by resorting to liberal propaganda or the complete lies of Moore, or the popular opinion of your locality, but by researching the truth while keeping in mind that the President of the United States is human; like you. Granted, I do not agree with every decision that the President has made through out his 4 year term but I will never forget how he led us forward through the war on terrorism."

I love doing that.