This game isn't half bad! The wife and I have been playing it on the LAN and we really like it. We must have played for 5 hours straight on Saturday. It's sort of a blending of Diablo and NeverwinterNights, yet I think more nicely done than either.

Anyway, if anyone can help, I do have a couple questions:

1) Is there a way to hot-key or somehow macro spell change out? I have about 3 "preparation" spells that I cast at regular intervals and then a couple combat spells. It'd be nice to not have to swap around spells every time Rage and Orb of Fire expires.

2) The "convert to gold" spell is the greatest concept. Is there a way to do this on a group of items, rather than having to cast it on everything individually?

3) The "rune" spells are the most effective way I've found to fend off hoards - but can be difficult to cast. Is there a way you can cast this at the ground in front of a charging enemy? It's annoying the way the spell goes to where the enemy was when you cast it, but it takes a few seconds to get there - meaning if he's moving it always ends up behind him.

4) What's does skill level (i.e. Melee level) do?

5) Is there a way to mark spots on the map? Also, is there a way to scroll the map way in/out - or at least scroll around the map?