I have been out from work since Tuesday. This blows. Since last friday my lymph nodes have been hugely swollen and extreemly painful both to the touch and inside my throat. I did see a doctor finaly on Tuesday and she thought I had a nasty strep throat. I dunno, I have had strep before and I never swelled up like this, feels like I have golf balls in my throat.

Personaly I think I have mumps but the doc discounted that but I have not had mumps before when I was a kid so it is a possibility (albiet small). Yesterday it began to feel better, the swelling was down a lot and it barely hurt at all. Thought I would be going into work today but this morning it has swelled up a bit again and the old pain in the neck/jaw is back. At least I got a full nights sleep last night which has not happened all week (the discomfort has been literaly keeping me up all night).

To top things off my company reduced its sick leave this year with some lame excuse, they cut sick leave in half so I will probably be using vacation time for this illness. Not to mention the fact that this week has been the LAMEST TV program selection in history so nothing to even watch on TV. Computer gaming is very uncomforatible so I don't sit here in front of the PC very often.

Well, back to the couch and heat up the old heat pad to lay on my throat again.

See you guys soon.
