Quote Originally Posted by [AK]Nuts
First off welcome to the AK Forums. Our Political Forum is usually heated but we all learn to be understanding and listen to other points of view. That being said:

It's funny how you "do not want the US government telling me how to develop my children" yet you want government funding for just such an activity.

And clearly money is not the issue. Since the 40's and the birth of the welfare state and cradle to grave government, time after time money has been the democrats solution to all social ills. We spend more now (in adjusted dollars) on education, child welfare, child medical programs, after school programs, etc than in anytime in history. Perhaps, just maybe, money is not the answer. In fact I propose that money is the problem. By taking away all responsibility (financial and moral) from the parents government has done nothing more than make a society of victims. 'My child is bad because the government doesn't offer midnight basketball.'

Personal accountability, involvement in community, school and church. Strong family ties. Mother's and Fathers staying together and raising children. These are the things that result in a well-balanced and emotionally stable child. No government hand out will ever replace these.

And in regards to the U.S. Government being involved in any of these programs... that concept is wrong. I firmly believe in a Constitutional government. A Republic. The programs you listed should be the responsibility of individual states and not the federal government. Money is wasted in the bureaucracy and as Ronal Reagan said, the purpose of a bureaucracy is to sustain the bureaucracy.

You brought a tear to my eye man...