Anyone care to unload on some Cindy Sheehan ass-kissers?
Anyone care to unload on some Cindy Sheehan ass-kissers?
OMG it's Palooka!
The sun has fallen down
And the billboards are all leering
And the flags are all dead at the top of their poles.
Who is Nuts and Abaddon and Palooka?
If you were a zombie and I had to kill you, I'd feel sad.
My response (let's see if they post it)
I have served in the military and fully support your right to speak your misguided mind. But I'm curious to know why you aren't outside of Senators Clinton and Kerry's offices; they too approved military force in Iraq. Why don't you protest them as well? The President did not act alone. At any time, the legislative branch can force the withdrawl of troops.
As you are properly represented in this republic through your congressional representative wouldn't it be wiser to use the system rather than just seeking media attention? This is not a democracy. This is a Republic. Perhaps you should spend some of your time (clearly you don't have a job or help the economy of the nation while sitting around in Texas) by creating a political strategy and running for a office. If you truely want change in America become involved in the process, don't just sit on the sidelines holding a candle and a yellow ribbon.
Start with city council in your home town and work your way up from there. For in 50 years, your little protest will never be reported in a single history book. You will be forgotten. However, if you become a cog in the machine of the great beuracracy, maybe, just maybe, you could enable your proposed changes (no matter how hair-brained they are) and do something constructive with your life.
Hell, maybe the rest of your family would finally have a little respect for you.
ed. Big surprise... they didn't post my comment. An overwhelming of the comments posted are in support of this dingbat. Image that!
Last edited by [AK]Nuts; 08-20-2005 at 11:03 AM.
A reporter did a little digging and found that the Google cache of the website memorial of Sheehan shows photos of Bush consoling Cindy. However, those photos have been removed. Hmmm.... now why would they do that?
WorldNetDaily Story on Photos
I see another post about Cindy Sheehan returning to Texas, and under the comments is this:
when you have no oil how many millions of babies will die?
Posted by: Akmed on August 24, 2005 at 01:26AM
Actually, here is another article from the Huffington Post:
Bolton begins going after UN
"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries." - Winston Churchill
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A San Francisco newstation (WOW, SF media doing some journalism!) about Cindy's funding. There's an interesting quote from a mother that received funding from the same groups that are paying Cindy's way:
Gold Star mother Karen Meredith went to Crawford from Mountain View. Her son Ken Ballard died last year.
Karen Meredith: "Sometimes things don't feel quite right to me. They don't feel wrong but maybe that's how they do it in the marketing business."
ABC7's Mark Matthews: "You feel you're part of a marketing business?"
Karen Meredith: "Possibly. Yeah I think so."
Looks like a nice, candid, sincere photo of a mother grieving (with the assistance of Crazy Al Sharpton, right?)
Or perhaps, just maybe... it was a staged photo op.
I can't stand Cindy Sheehan. I posted a long rant on my website. It seems like the media is slowing starting to see behind the smoke and mirrors too. Here's a brief report on her number 1 wrangler:
National Review Online