What was your first job (the first one in which you had to fill out a W4)?

For me, I was 16 and didn't want to bag groceries or flip burgers. So I turned Al Bundy. Yep, I worked in a shoe store in the mall. It wasn't a bad job... I worked with 2 other guys (in their 30's) and I had keys to the store and worked solo on Sundays. We had a manual register and it was open on the honor system, so you could stick IOU's in the till if you needed some money for lunch. I was paid in cash every friday.

Later that year I worked for World of Nintendo across from the shoe store. We had 8 TV's with Nintendo M8 (multigame) consoles hooked up to them. It was very very little work as mom's would just drop their kids off and go shopping. My first day at work I was told to bring home an NES and some games so that I could answer questions if asked. Basically I just sat behind the counter, played video games and sold about 10 games a day.