I was checking out some info sites on this game. From what I have seen I am very very impressed. I was thinking of picking it up soon if it is even out yet, I was not going to bother picking it up but after looking at the screenshots and reading a bit a about it... wow. And from what I have read all feature, say, the ability to be several different soldiers, driving tanks, flying a couple planes and helicoptor, trucks, jeeps and even a couple ships are in the game at realease. Plus, from what I have read, you don't need a super computer to run it (the min says 266Mhz but we all know about minimums).

Ok, I have about sold myself on it. If you haven't read anything about or seen screen shots here are the screenies I found at www.operation-flashpoint.net


Just wanted to find out if anyone has any experience with the game before I bother buying it. I have read to not bother with the demo as it does not show enough of the game to judge it. The battlefields are advertised as being pretty big too, but probably not WWIIOL scale (which is not a bad thing).
