I've been playing the single mission demo of Project IGI quite a bit (mostly when my cable connection is down and I can't log into EQ). I'm very impressed with this game. For those who don't know, it's a first-person shooter that combines Counter-Strike, Thief, and Rainbow Six. It uses a flight simulator engine, so the outdoor areas are vast, and you can see for miles without any of the fogging that you see in typical FPS games. The graphics are top-notch (make sure to turn the performance slider all the way down to see the graphics at their best), and the sound effects are absolutely superb. In addition, the weapon ballistics seem to be fairly realistic; you can shoot through multiple walls (shooting three guards through a guardhouse wall with an AK-47 is high fun), and different materials have different penetration values. The only problem I have with the game is the AI, or lack thereof. Often, the enemy soldiers act pretty dumb; they run straight at you, firing away, and never take cover. However, they are pretty accurate with their weapons, and they respond to sounds, bullets hitting walls near them, other dead soldiers, etc.

If you haven't downloaded this demo yet, I definately encourage you to do so.

August Knights Administrator
Xearic Darkmarrow: 53 Dark Elven Necromancer
Burwell Spiritforge: 42 Dwarven Cleric