Hey all! Been busier than I thought on my vacation. Mass family visiting and even some travel (hence my absence sunday was with my family). Saw this recently and thought I would share it, I haven't perused the whole gallery yet but the couple I looked at deemed it a must read

Oh, Anarchy Online starts tomorrow so I am going to try my best to join in on it (been too busy for much computer stuff... thank god). I am kind of torn between being a Soldier or a Fixer... Hmm. Already have the beta downloaded so I don't need to try to reserve a copy or anything since you will be able to purchace an on-line CD key and download the beta version, it will patch to full release on the 29'th. Blah Blah Blah, I am going to get a couple hours of WWII in before bed (the game has been very playable to me with the latest patches and once you get used to travel times and capture strategies is a blast).

Check out that site.