It led a good if hard life. It performed it's duties well. We will miss this PC as it is sent to the great beyond but we are wealthier people for having it in our lives. You are remembered fondly, good machine, may your legacy live on.

My motherboard died last night. Dead, kaput. No post, nada, nothing at all. I spent pretty much all last night making certain that the motherboard was the problem, taking components out one by one, etc... and I am certain it is the board itself. This is a setback for me, no new video cards for this one, time for a new motherboard. I see there is a good deal on an AMD 2100+ processor and an Asus A7V266 motherboard near by that may be affordable by me. I'll check on that.

And no I am not getting something top of the line, some suprisingly high new bills ($350 bucks for 3 fillings this morning amoung others, that hurt) I can't afford the latest and greatest but I can get the proccessor motherboard combo for just a tad over $200. If I am right the A7V266 is a very close relative to the A7M266 board I had so it may not require a reinstall of the OS. That would be nice. The faster processor would be nice too.