My third Asus motherboard cried out to be installed this week. I relented, after installing I hooked up monitor and power supply. It fired up fine, monitor showed dectecting with the spinning symbol. It stopped moving and just sat there. So I turned the power off, waiting a few seconds and turned the power on again. This time the computer come up fine but the monitor's led quickly changed from green to amber and nothing was being displayed. After a few more attempts I unpluged the monitor from back of computer and monitor responded with No Signal. I put it back on and the message went away but no green led nor any info on screen.

So I torn down my other computer, grabbed my dfx card installed it, fired up computer and the same thing happened...Green led turned amber and nothing displayed. I changed slots with the dfx good
Then I reinstalled the G-Force card again and fired up computer, nothing again except that darn amber led.

Now, I'm thinking I have a problem here that we haven't uncovered from earlier issues. I'm looking to place a post "wanted" experienced computer builder who will work for food and beer...Transportation provided

Help guys! I need to get this thing built!
