Question: How do you know Bin Laden isn't dead, vaporized by a daisy cutter?

Statement: The war on terrorism isn't limited to Bin Laden or Afghanistan, or even Al Qaeda. Realizing that is the first step in a true grasp of this subject.

Observation: We likely wouldn't be dealing with this issue right now if there had been support for finishing the job during the Gulf War. However people conveniently
"forget" that there was no support for going into Baghdad. The same hand wringing that was going on before Desert Storm began was starting up again. The same people criticizing (elder) Bush for not taking out Saddam when he had the chance were crying about body bags and bloodbaths if we continued.

Flash forward to today - Same crap, different day.

Answer: No I didn't add the porn thing... it was there originally. is a great site.

Answer: It has been American policy not to engage in the assasination of leaders of other countries. That policy has changed since 9/11.

Answer: Killing Hussein isn't enough. If he is harboring, aiding terrorists, and/or warehousing the materials to build WMD, these things too must be wiped out.

Question: You hate Microsft. How are you getting 1942 to run on your Linux box?